Come Get Some

Monday, January 29, 2007

San Diego

I am back from San Diego. I enjoyed it quite a bit actually. Last year I went to Miami and didn't really like that. And I pretty much expected to think the same of San Diego. But I guess San Diego is more my style. It generally seems like a pretty relaxed set of beach towns with some big city aspects around it. People seem pretty friendly. And the weather is nice. But, really all I discovered is that I don't hate it as much as I hate LA and Miami. My guess is that traffic is st00pid crazy judging by how wide the highways are everywhere. And with time I'm sure the beach culture thing would drive me nuts. But if for some reason I had a reason to move there I suppose I could put up with that for a while in exchange for ridiculously nice weather.

We spent most of our time just poking around and looking at stuff. We drove up to La Jolla and then down into Mission Beach. Then we walked around Hillcrest for a while. On Sunday we walked around Ocean Beach a little, checked out Coronado, and even went down to Tijuana. And of course we spent a bunch of time at the zoo. Hopefully I will get motivated and put all the photos I took up on Flickr this evening.


I switched over to the 'new' Blogger. This is my test post to figure out if this shit works.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Letting People Know

Today as I was driving to work, I saw a car with a bumber sticker that caught my eye. The part I could immediately read said "I'd fart!" but there was clearly some phrase written before it in a smaller font that I couldn't read. So, I like followed the guy cause I'm like "How am I not about to learn a great new fart joke?" And then I got close enough and I read that the sticker started with "If I wanted to hear from an asshole". Disappointing! However, it did get my thinking. Some people ask "What would Jesus do?" or "What would Brian Boitano do?" My guess is that while these two sages are useful to many people, it is also the case the people ponder what their friends and family would do. And continuing the thought, in today's modern, busy society, who has the time to ask everyone what they would do and ask what those other people would do in return. Therefore, I propose we create t-shirts that simply declare what we would do. Then with a simple glance we have the advice we need and we can act confidentently. This is a great idea!

And yes, for those wondering, the answer to "What would Fro-Guy do?" The answer is "I'd fart!"

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just Hummin' Along

I think I'm starting to come out of my traditional winter funk. I wonder if it has something to do with the days getting longer now. Independent of the cause, I'm feeling more motivated and I'm getting more stuff done. This has translated so far into getting a bunch of the "dotting the i's and crossing the t's" style stuff done at work, which is good and all but not straight-up fun. I also managed to get my ass to Target and buy Guitar Hero. I need to write about Guitar Hero, but that's going to need its own paragraph.

Holy crap! Guitar Hero is pretty fun. So far I have noticed that eventually my hand muscles get too tired for me to play songs after extended play. Right now this takes about 1 hour of play. I continue to wonder how long it will be before I grow tired of the game. I pretty much think that once I get a Wii I'm not going to touch Guitar Hero for like, you know, the rest of my life. I know that when I get the Wii I will be compelled to play through Zelda. And by that point the new Metroid will be out, and I'll be required (REQUIRED!) to play that all the way through. It occurs to me that Microsoft is probably going to come in second again this generation, only this time behind Nintendo. This is fine with me as long as we don't loss buckets of money doing it. If we don't see a profitable quarter out of Robbie's org in 2008, I'm really going to have to throw down.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I am Satan!


Thanks to friend John, I have played a Wii. I had a pretty good time with it. I like how whimsical the games are. However, I am not sure what happens when the initial fun of the wii-mote is gone what I will think. Like, it is definitely slower to fart with the remote to go through menus and such, and I like to do it fast. Go, go, go.

Monday, January 01, 2007


Dude, do you know that making a C# grammar is kind of a pain in the ass? Like, Microsoft publishes a grammar, but the grammar is not LALR(1) and is left-recursive. To translate for the non-compiler geek, the grammar is not acceptable to any of the standard compiler generation tools. WTF? "Microsoft declares self frustratingly inept. No one surprised." Anyway, I continue to make progress on translating the initially useless Microsoft grammar into a potentially useful grammar that ANTLR will accept. This is non-trivial, though it is also not rocket science. Maybe I will be done soon.