Come Get Some

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just Hummin' Along

I think I'm starting to come out of my traditional winter funk. I wonder if it has something to do with the days getting longer now. Independent of the cause, I'm feeling more motivated and I'm getting more stuff done. This has translated so far into getting a bunch of the "dotting the i's and crossing the t's" style stuff done at work, which is good and all but not straight-up fun. I also managed to get my ass to Target and buy Guitar Hero. I need to write about Guitar Hero, but that's going to need its own paragraph.

Holy crap! Guitar Hero is pretty fun. So far I have noticed that eventually my hand muscles get too tired for me to play songs after extended play. Right now this takes about 1 hour of play. I continue to wonder how long it will be before I grow tired of the game. I pretty much think that once I get a Wii I'm not going to touch Guitar Hero for like, you know, the rest of my life. I know that when I get the Wii I will be compelled to play through Zelda. And by that point the new Metroid will be out, and I'll be required (REQUIRED!) to play that all the way through. It occurs to me that Microsoft is probably going to come in second again this generation, only this time behind Nintendo. This is fine with me as long as we don't loss buckets of money doing it. If we don't see a profitable quarter out of Robbie's org in 2008, I'm really going to have to throw down.


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