Come Get Some

Friday, January 13, 2006

Steve Gibson

Original Story

There is definitely a non-zero correlation between paranoid weirdos and computer security experts. For instance, Steve Gibson. He has decided that since you have to do some pretty strange stuff to exploit that Windows MetaFile issue, that it clearly was not something that was accidentally added by Microsoft. Instead, we clearly added it on purpose for some reason. Like if you decided to turn off ActiveX and all sorts of other stuff that Microsoft could still run code on your machine. Now, who knows why Microsoft would want to do that. Apparently paranoid delusion only provides you with so much insight. He goes on to argue how since Windows is "closed source" that we'll never know the truth or whatever. Of course there are thousands on people outside of Microsoft with access to Windows source. In fact, there was a big leak where some random dude posted all the Windows source. Go look at it you bumbling, paranoid weirdo. Perhaps you'll learn something.


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